Krav Maga has three specialist training streams: civilian, law enforcement and military. Krav Maga was originally developed for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). It is the official system of self defence and hand-to-hand combat of the IDF, the Israeli National Police and other security services. Krav Maga is also taught extensively to male and female civilians in public schools and educational centres affiliated with the Israeli ministry of education. It is also now widely practiced throughout the world, being particularly strong in Europe and the United States. In those regions it is part of the defensive tactics syllabus for many military, police and security units. Krav Maga is also practiced by many thousands of civilians throughout the world, including in America.

Krav Maga training enables practitioners to protect themselves and others against a wide range of real-world threats and attacks: from common strikes, grabs, chokes, headlocks and other holds through to high risk situations involving multiple attackers and/or weapons including knives, sticks and firearms. Just as important, Krav Maga training teaches people to respond and function correctly during the enormous stress and shock of a sudden, real-life violent encounter. Krav Maga utilises only modern, innovative and safe training methods that have been proven effective under the harshest conditions on the battlefield and on the street. As a result, Krav Maga is one of the most credible self defence systems in the world today.

Krav Maga self defence training is available in several different formats. A range of seminars and courses are held regularly around Sydney, covering everything from basic self defence and personal protection through to knife defence, ground defence and surviving high risk situations. Most instructors can also design and deliver custom-made seminars and courses to meet the needs of your particular group. Regular self defence classes are also available throughout Australia. For more information, please contact your local instructor or click here to find a school near you.

Krav Maga training programs designed specifically for women focus on self defence and rape prevention tactics and techniques. These programs emphasise realistic scenarios for women, and provide realistic defensive solutions to the problems they are most likely to face in today’s world.

This training educates women to be aware of potential danger signs as they occur in the real world, to spot them at the earliest opportunity and take appropriate evasive action.

Its also provide training that enables women to respond and protect themselves when a threatening situation cannot be avoided or prevented and there is no choice but to physically defend. The programs teaches only simple and practical defences that have been proven to be effective for women against common attacks and assaults – including those carried out by assailants who are physically larger and stronger. The emphasise is in developing the ability of the trainee to deal with the stress and shock of a real threat or attack, and to make appropriate decisions while under extreme pressure.

All Krav Maga training for women should be conducted in a safe environment by highly qualified and experienced instructors. Krav Maga self defence training for women is available in several different formats. A range of seminars and courses are held regularly in Sydney with the SHE FIGHTS BACK program, covering everything from basic self defence and personal protection through to preventing sexual assault and surviving high risk situations. Most instructors can design and deliver seminars and courses to meet the needs of your particular group. Regular self defence classes are also available throughout Australia. For more information, visit the SHE FIGHTS BACK website or click here to find a school near you!

It is an unfortunate fact that in today’s world, many people may be at risk of encountering a threatening or violent situation due to the nature of their work. For example, busy executives, staff with customer contact roles, and officers who travel overseas may suddenly find themselves in situations for which they are unprepared.

Krav Maga training programs designed for the corporate sector focus on identifying the main types of risk faced by a group of employees, and subsequently providing them with an appropriate level of self defence tactics and techniques. Krav Maga emphasises is on realistic scenarios, and this provides realistic defensive solutions to the problems they are most likely to face in today’s world.

Krav Maga self defence training for the corporate sector can be delivered in several different formats. A range of seminars and courses are available covering a range of problems, from basic self defence and personal protection through to surviving high risk situations. For more information,  contact one of the schools listed in our directory.

Law Enforcement

To train Law Enforcement groups the Krav Maga instructor is required to have specialised training to be qualified to train in this sector. Krav Maga is extremely effective for extensive training in a range of law enforcement groups, VIP protection officers, anti-terrorist units and security personnel in defensive tactics and hand-to-hand combat. Seminars and custom-made courses in Krav Maga for law enforcement and security applications are available for appropriate groups.


Since Krav Maga origins are in the Israeli Defense Forces the Krav Maga system is extremely effective for the modern soldier. The Krav Maga instructors that are qualified to train military units are highly trained and have very different to the civilian training requirements.  Seminars and custom-made courses in Krav Maga for military applications are available for appropriate groups.

Click here to find a Krav Maga school near you.

Experience Krav Maga in its birthplace.
Train with a team of Israel's best Krav Maga experts led by Ron Engelman.

Krav Maga practitioners from all over the world fly to Israel to participate in the Krav Maga Training camp. The Camp offers a chance to challenge yourself mentally and physically, to enjoy Tel Aviv’s cosmopolitan life and to meet incredible people that share the same passion for Krav.

The Camp covers ALL levels of Krav Maga with rank specific techniques. Participants will also train in various sectors of Krav Maga, including military, law enforcement and VIP protection. At the end of the camp, you can also choose to test for your next rank.

This camp is suitable for all levels from absolute beginners up to experienced Krav Maga instructors.

Visit Krav Maga Israel dedicated website for more information.